
North Ayrshire Council




Erection of building to include Class 1 retail unit with ATM and hot food takeaway unit with external flue, erection of building for car valeting to include external car wash area together with associated car parking area, refuse storage area and the provision of landscaping

Legislation Information

Applications listed above, together with the plans and other documents, may be examined at Planning Services, Cunninghame House, Irvine, KA12 8EE between 09.00 and 16.45 weekdays (16.30 Fridays) or at This application is being advertised under one or more of the following: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT PROCEDURE) (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 2013 (A) REGULATION 20(1)(a) - Neighbour Notification (B) REGULATION 20(1)(b) - Owner Notification (C) REGULATION 20(1)(c) and 38(1)(b) (D) REGULATION 20(1)(d) - Contrary to Development Plan (E) THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 1999 NOTICE UNDER REGULATION 13 (amended) (F) THE ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 1999 NOTICE UNDER REGULATION 21 (amended) (H) PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND CONSERVATION AREAS) (SCOTLAND) ACT 1997 and THE TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING (LISTED BUILDINGS AND BUILDINGS IN CONSERVATION AREAS) (SCOTLAND) REGULATIONS 1987 All representations should be made to the Executive Director (Economy & Communities) at the above address or emailed to within 21 days (A) (B) (C) (D) and (H) and 28 days (E) of the publication date. Any representations received will be open to public view. A Notice under (F) indicates approval of an application which was the subject of an Environmental Impact Assessment and in such instances there is no provision to make further comment.
The full application can be viewed on our on-line Planning system